Mohsen Shah Mohammadi

Managing Director



B.S in Industrial Engineering, University of Southern California (USC ), Los Angeles, California, USA

Sustainability Engineering, M.S Course, Rochester Institute of Technology, Rochester, New York, USA



Commercial Manager of Sodour Company – 12 years

Managing Director of M.S.Mirab (Spain) – 13 years


Afshin Javan

Senior Consultant of Economic Research Studies, Science and Training Dept.



M.S. in Energy Economics and Marketing, Azad University, Tehran, Iran

PhD. Student in Oil and Gas Economics, Allameh Tabatabai University (ATU), Tehran, Iran



National Iranian Oil Company, International Affairs, Economics Research Department, Tehran, Iran- 6 years

National Iranian Oil Company, LNG Marketing Manager of Pars LNG , Paris, France- 2.5 years

National Iranian Gas Export Company, Head of Economic Studies, Tehran, Iran- 6 years

Iran Institute of Energy Studies (IIES), Energy Economic Research Department, Tehran, Iran- 2 years

Member of the Board, Faculty of Energy Economics - 6 years

Member of the Board, Iranian Association of Energy Economics (IAEE)


Hamid Movaghar

Energy Saving Expert



Architect DPLG, d’UPA. 7 (BEAUX Arts), Paris, France



Croup Archipolis, Residential and Commercial Building Automation Manager, Paris, France- 3 years

Cabinet AMNR, Manager of Energy Inspection Department, Paris, France- 2 years

Atelier Chabrol, Manager Hotel, Hospital and Office Energy Inspection, Sceaux, France- 2 years

Office of Architecture Movaghar, Managing Director- 9 years


Khosrow Salour

Senior Consultant



B.S. in Economics, Central Michigan University, USA



Expert, First of America Bank, Kalamazoo, MI, USA– 2 years

Economic Expert, Iran Chamber of Commerce, Industrial and Mines, Tehran, Iran – 2 years

Senior Commercial Officer, Royal Netherlands Embassy, Tehran, Iran – 9 years

Managing Director, Sayeh Gostar Pars Managers Ltd. – 4 years

Managing Director, Adria Company Inc.-1 ½ Years


Hamidreza Khadem

Commercial Manager



B.A in Psychology

M.S Student in Business Administration



Commercial Expert at Kapus – 1 Year

Commercial expert at Namin Equipment – 2 years

Commercial Manager at Sayeh Gostar Pars Managers – 2 years


Farid Omidi

Energy Auditing Expert



M.S. in Architecture of Technical University Delft, Netherlands



Architect and designer at architectural offices ( CEPEZED, Kees  Christiaanse Architects & Planners, Splinter Architects, VHP ) in Netherlands- 6 years

Independent architect in Iran since 2000

Partnership and Member of Board of Directors of Naghsh Gostarane Shahr Co. (architecture, engineering, consultancy) –11 years


Maryam Mazlumiyan

Public Relation Manager



Bachelor of Software Engineering



Member Organizer of the first International HSE expo at Kish island (Europars A.B) – 1 Year

Accounting at Ilia Royal Middle East Co. – 1 Year

General Manager and Sales Manager at Ilia Royal Middle East CO. – 2 Year